Wellside Kindergarten

01324 626668 / susan@wellside.co.uk


How do I book to view your nursery? 

If you wish to view the Nursery please phone 01324 62668, or fill in the form on our contact page. Visits are by appointment only

What kind of food and drink will you supply?

We supply a healthy snack for all children in the morning and afternoon with milk or water to drink Nursery lunches can be purchased and consist of a hot main course and dessert or parents can provide a hot lunch for babies and toddler and a cold packed lunch for older children.

Where do your meals come from?
Our lunch come from a company called Our Kitchen to Yours. Meals are delivered to the nursery each morning. All of our staff have achieved a level 2 award in  food hygiene which allows them to distribute and supervise the meals..

What is the settling in process?

We offer settling in sessions in the 2/3 weeks before starting ensure your child is well settled. This is done in partnership with parents and can be extended if required.

Where will my child rest?

In the nursery we have designated sleep rooms for the younger children. Our older children can nap/sleep in their own playrooms on sleep mats. All children have their own designated bedding which is laundered weekly.

My child is starting potty training. Can you help with this?
Yes we strive to help in all areas of your child’s development we take this at your child’s pace. We follow your routine from home as close as possible and keep you in touch at every step. We use sticker/ reward charts to help in this area.

How do you encourage good behaviour?

Staff are the role models for good behaviour and actively encourage positive behaviour in the children. We use words like:

we have kind hands and feet, we share and take turns, we have listening ears, we use kind words

Will my child be with a regular group of children?

Yes your child will be with a group of children of the same age and they will move through the nursery together.

How much time will my child spend outside?

We have a real passion for outdoor learning and our children spend long periods of time outdoors. We ask that parents provide a suitable jacket, hat, gloves and wellies and sun cream and sunhat for the summer months

Will my child go on outings?

We are outside each and everyday exploring our wonderful garden. We also regularly venture to other places of interest such a the library, the park, the woods, the care home, train station

How will the nursery communicate with parents?

We have a nursery app that is only for use by registered parents/carers. We use the app to communicate messages, share photos, policies and newsletter.

What if my child is ill and cannot attend nursery? 

The nursery app has a function that parents can use to inform the nursery of absence or holidays

What happens if my child takes ill at nursery?

If your child was to fall ill whilst at Nursery, the staff will contact you. If we cannot get hold of parents we will use the child's emergency contact provided on your registration form.

Can you administer medication?
We can administer any medication that is prescribed by a Doctor. We also can administer Calpol or Piriton without prescription but will require permission from parents or carers. We use health care plans for re-occurring medicines such as inhalers. All staff are first aid trained.

What do I need to provide for my child’s day at Nursery?
Change of clothing (including underwear), nappies and wipes, nappy cream, sun hat, wellies, woolly hat, scarf, coat (weather dependent)

How will I know and find out how my child is getting on?
The child’s key person will share this information with you on a daily basis and will talk you through your child’s day sharing vital information such as what your child has eaten, if they have had a sleep, drinks and experiences that they have engaged in that day.

What is a learning journey?
The learning journey is a profile which showcases your child’s achievements, next steps and general fun things that we have achieved. This will contain photographs, observations, links to our curriculum and goals that we set to work on with the children. This will also include home link observations where parents and carers can add observations and pictures from home life which will help us at nursery for individual planning.

My child has allergies. Will they be safe at nursery?
Nursery should be informed of any allergies so contingency plans can be made to keep these allergens away from the child. We strive to ensure that every child is safe while at nursery so we will prepare separate snacks and meals keeping in with the child’s diet. We order our lunches through an outside caterer (cupcakes caterers), the caterers are very good at supplying alternate meal solutions. We are adaptable to most situations so just let us know and we can adapt to your child’s needs.



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